Face à l'inceste

Two nightmares in my story

Incest and the question of consent are still a taboo in France despite the recent events


To establish the presumption of innocence of the child in the law


Through the eyes of a child, the film raises the disturbing nature of the question of consent. It brings to the attention of the audience how the legal sector forces a victim to keep reliving their physical and psychological nightmare.


  • Creative Development
  • Creative & Campaign
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  • Creative Development
  • Creative & Campaign
  • Strategy

“It is about stopping to ask a child, in the same way as one would an adult, il they gave their consent for these actions. To stop asking if they were okay to have sex with a family member. Moreover, it sends a symbolic message: children must protect themselves, they can’t rely on the law. This is absolutely appalling, and we have been fighting against this legal aberration for 20 years.”

Isabelle AubryPresident of Face à l’Inceste
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La Fondation de France
